Our process.

Designed | Curated Interiors is a full-service design studio that collaborates with our clients to understand your needs, style, and how you live within your home.

We can help you with a wide variety of design needs, including furnishings, floor plans, space planning, architectural finishes and the final touches. Our goal is to create warm, welcoming, and unique spaces with curated furniture and accessories that stand the test of time. Our attention to the smallest of details is what truly make the spaces we design feel special. Our interior design services are completely tailored to you. Outlined below are the important steps and phases of our design process, making it streamlined and systematic to ensure a smooth experience for you.

phase one

Inquiry Call

To understand more about your design project, we offer a free thirty-minute inquiry call to discuss the scope of your project, you and your family’s style, location, timeline and budget, all of which helps us determine if we’re a good fit for your project. Click here to request your Inquiry Call today. Sacramento interior design

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phase two

In-Home Consultation

This two-hour meeting serves as a foundation for us to create a tailored proposal for your project. To start, we would take a tour of your home to see the areas you would like to focus on and to hear your thoughts on how you envision the space. This helps us better understand the space, lighting, and other elements that should be considered in the design plan. Afterwards, photographs will be taken, along with an inventory of any pieces you would like to keep and incorporate in the design. We will also take room measurements so we can create an outstanding design just for you.

Washbisan Design Sacramento

phase three


After your consultation, we will create a proposal which will include the budget for the project. Designed Curated operates on an hourly basis so our proposal will include a proposed budget for items as well as our fees so you can get a complete view of your project budget. This is the final step before the design process begins!

Washbisan Design Sacramento

phase four

Floor Plan & Design

At this stage, we will create a floor plan, elevations & rendering to provide you with products and design options, all personalized for you.

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phase five

Design Presentation

In the Design Presentation, we will review our recommendations for creating the perfect space for you. Together, we’ll make the selections and discuss any adjustments necessary to the design plan.

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phase six

Sourcing & Procurement

Once the design is approved and product and material selections have been made, everything can be ordered. Upon arrival of your items, we will move to our final step of putting it all together.

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phase seven

Install Day

Once all items have been received and inspected, we will schedule an official install date. During the install day, we ask that you are offsite for a minimum of five hours. Don’t worry, we handle every last detail as your space is transformed into your dream home!

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phase eight

The Finishing Details

After most installations, there is usually a couple of little things that will need to be addressed. While we always try to have everything solidified on Install Day, there may be some things here and there that need to be attended to afterwards. We like to do walk-through with you a few days post-install to create this list together. For example, you may prefer a different throw blanket for the sofa or you may not love one of the decor items we used on the nightstand. Whatever it is, we will address it and make sure you are completely satisfied with your custom design!

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